‘Svegliarsi nei Borghi’ in Monti Dauni: discover a hidden gem of Apulia

Posted on Jul 3 2014 by Simona Giacobbi
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A walk surrounded by nature. On the saddle or on foot. Following the footsteps of Frederick II. From Lucera to Troy to admire the magnificent Romanesque Cathedral and then arriving in Orsara di Puglia to taste the flavors of superb wines.
Culture, nature, archeology, art, food and wine. There is everything in this part of Puglia, in Monti Dauni area, far away from mass tourism. Between nature and traditions. Art and culture. An experience that Puglia Mon Amour tried for you.
Svegliarsi nei Borghi’ (Raemi Travel Agency) arranges tours, food tours and events in the area of Tavoliere. The tour operator organizes real experiential holidays to raise awareness of the uniqueness and history of an area rich in history and, unfortunately, still unknown to many.

There is a Puglia made of green hills, valleys and rivers. Along the trails you can experience intense emotions thanks to close contact with the surrounding nature.
The project of ‘Svegliarsi nei Borghi’ aims to promote, enhance and commercialize the resources of our country. It offers different apartments in Celle di San Vito, Troia, Faeto, Castelluccio Superiore, Roseto, Lucera and Bovino.
You can spend a day on a farm to experience new emotions that only nature can offer. You will be able to see and participate into one of the most relevant historical events: the baptism of the saddle, you will get to know the horse’s habits and you will experience your first rides.
Built along Trajan route, Troia shows to visitors its beautiful Romanesque Cathedral with a rosette among the most original in the world and the pre-Romanesque Church of S. Basilio Magno. Visitors find here one of the largest wind parks in Europe. And for your sweet tooth a visit to the bakery where they prepare the Passionata, sweet typical of the area, is a must.

The food lovers can’t miss Faeto, a picturesque town situated in the heart of the Monti Dauni. At 820 meters above sea level, Faeto offers breathtaking views and it is still today a linguistic area where people speak Franco-Provencal. It is the ideal destination to taste the sausages from the black pork, typical of the area. Not far away, Celle di San Vito, the smallest town in Puglia, is a tiny jewel that, as Faeto, preserves the linguistic tradition of Franco-Provençal started in 1269 by an Angevin community. Excursions to Bosco Difesa wood offer breathtaking views and may surprise with ‘close encounters’ with local fauna.
For history lovers, Castelluccio Valmaggiore, which takes its name from the castle built by the Byzantine, offers a stunning view from which you can see Faeto, Celle, Orsara di Apulia and Troia. According to recent studies, lovers of ancient history will find here the true location of the battle between Hannibal and the Romans, the Battle of Canne (216 BC). In the surroundings: a Byzantine tower, the Celone stream, Difesa Grande wood and Sidone Mountain.

Roseto Valfortore is one of the most beautiful towns in Italy. Walking through its medieval streets, you are surrounded by a unique atmosphere that gives the visitor a certain tranquility. It is surrounded by forest, the habitat of wild roses and orchids, and it is a destination for excursions to ancient water mills. It’s called ‘Borgo degli Scalpellini (stonecutters)’ for the beautiful portals and bas-reliefs carved in the stone by local artists.
The journey continues in Lucera that, since its origin, was called the “key of Puglia”, because of its strategic position. It will take you into an immersion in the history and taste among its castles and vineyards. The Swabian-Angevin fortress houses the remains of the palace of Frederick II, the Cathedral and the charming old town. Do not miss a visit to a wine cellar with a tasting of the region’s most famous wines.
Bovino is located on the border between Campania and Puglia. This small town in the heart of the Monti Dauni got a few years ago the mention of the most beautiful village in Italy. From the walls of the castle overlooking the entire valley, Bovino will amaze you with its beautiful landscape, surrounded by Valleverde forest embellish by the atmospheres suggested by the imposing Castello Ducale, the Romanesque-style Cathedral, the museums and the libraries.

From nature to the table. A journey usually includes a food and wine tour to learn about the typical traditions and local products. The rediscovery of the genuine flavors of the earth and organic food is a challenge that in recent years is gathering more and more support. It’s a healthier way of life that also passes through the chef Peppe Zullo’s seasonal cuisine in Orsara di Puglia. Do not miss his burnt wheat orecchiette pasta and his homemade wines.
In the small town of Monti Dauni, the art of baking in the oven is still living in the straw oven since 1526 “Pane e Salute” owned by Angelo Di Biccari. A real trip back in time.
Visiting a place means to live it, and go home enriched by an original experience that will remain forever.

Svegliarsi Nei Borghi
Via Pasqualicchio 30, 71029 Troia (FG)- Italy
Tel :+39 349.8305477 +39 389.1792908
email: info@svegliarsineiborghi.it

Giornalista professionista, laurea in lingue e letterature straniere e un master in Social Communication. Piacentina d’origine, pugliese d’adozione dal 2012, cresciuta a tortelli e gnocco fritto, impara a cucinare in Canada, a Toronto, dove ha vissuto sei anni e dove ha lavorato per il quotidiano italiano Corriere Canadese. Oltreoceano scopre una diversità culinaria etnica senza confini. Da allora la sua vita cambia. Cucina e ristoranti diventano luoghi interscambiabili di idee, progetti, tradizioni e passioni. Ama assaporare, provare, gustare. E fare foto. Conduce su Telenorba e TgNorba24 la trasmissione “I colori della nostra terra”, un programma che parla di ruralità, agroalimentare ed eccellenze enogastronomiche della Puglia. Ha collaborato con I Love Italian Food e il Cucchiaio d’Argento ed è spesso chiamata a far parte di giurie di eventi a carattere enogastronomico e di concorsi legati al mondo della pizza. Recensisce pizzerie per guide cartacee e online. Nel 2011 crea Pasta Loves Me, un blog che parla di lei, di pasta, food e lifestyle. È fondatrice e responsabile di Puglia Mon Amour, un’avventura che vive con gli occhi curiosi di turista e l’entusiasmo di un’innamorata per una terra che regala ogni giorno emozioni, genuinità e solarità. Ha la pizza napoletana nel cuore e tutto quello che rende felice il suo palato. E vive con una certezza: la pizza non le spezzerà mai il cuore.

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