Vinitaly 2014, for Puglia the edition will be “social wine”

Posted on Mar 25 2014 by Redazione
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More than 120 Apulian companies and wineries will participate in the 2014 edition of Vinitaly in Verona. The program of activities is developed by the Department of Agri-Food Resources of Puglia Region, in collaboration with Unioncamere Puglia.
Internationalization is one of the key words of the 48th edition of Vinitaly. The most important world exhibition dedicated to wines and spirits returns to Veronafiere 6-9 April (
There will be several moments of entertainment initiatives including “Wine & Social Network” thanks to which visitors can have fun taking picture taken in the beautiful scenery of Puglia as Castel del Monte and publish it live on their Facebook profile Facebook.
The event confirms its status as a global network for promoting the wine system, with buyers arriving from over 120 countries. A tool at the service of companies, especially those in Italy which in 2013 achieved more than 5 billion euros of exports.
Among the main innovations this year, two are focus on international markets. For the first time, international exhibitors have been grouped together in a single Hall named Vininternational – International Wine Production. This direction was also taken by the International Buyers’ Lounge initiative, with Taste and Buy: a new area for wine & spirit b2b dedicated to operators arriving from abroad.
One of the strengths of Vinitaly,” said the CEO & Director General of Veronafiere, Giovanni Mantovani, “is that it has always offered a two-way approach. Thanks to the Vinitaly International network we are able to accompany Italian companies in the United States, Russia and China, at the same time as promoting international attendance at Vinitaly in Verona – which alone generates allied business worth more than 300 million euros. And in an effort to promote international attendance this year, with buyers from 120 countries, we have invested over one million euros.”
Mantovani is convinced that internationalization is the right road ahead: “If Italian GDP, at a standstill for 12 years,” he went on with a specific example, “were to follow the average growth performance of 6.5% per year achieved by our wine exports, then we would have already solved the country’s problems some time ago.”
This edition will also focus significant attention on the world of organic wine, thanks to the debut of Vinitalybio: a specialist exhibition exclusively for certified organic wines, set up in collaboration with FederBio. The intention is to promote wine production in accordance with EU standards and regulations, as well as to respond to precise market demand, in particular from countries in Northern Europe, North America and the Far East.