L’angolino di Via Matteotti – Pucceria tipica (Lecce)

Posted on Mar 20 2014 by Gianvito Magistà


For a quick and convenient meal when you are in Lecce , you can opt for the classic puccia bread from Salento.
We have tried it at ‘L’angolino di via Matteotti’, a small pucceria in the centre of Lecce. It is located in a side street of Via Templari, the road that connects Piazza Sant’Oronzo to the beautiful Santa Croce Basilica, the symbol of the Lecce baroque.
Antonio, the owner, welcomes you behind a counter full of fresh toppings to fill the handmade puccia with.
There are almost twenty toppings to choose from (many vegetables in oil, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, capers, tuna): you can fill your puccia with whatever you like, there are no limits to your imagination.
The restaurant is very small. Keep in mind that the line to order your puccia might be long during the summer. But don’t be discouraged about that, it is worth the wait.
‘L’angolino di Via Matteotti’ is not a restaurant nor a fast food, but a place where you can enjoy a traditional freshly baked puccia. Convenient, fast, good. And best of all at the affordable price of €5 (beverages not included).

Vico della Saponea, 1 (at the corner with Via Matteotti)
73100 Lecce
Tel. +39 346.836.1999
Opening hours: 11am-3pm / 5:30pm-Midnight
Closed on Monday
Only cash


Giornalista professionista di Conversano (Bari), laureato in Scienze giuridiche, amante della Puglia e dei suoi prodotti enogastronomici. Ha vissuto e lavorato a Toronto, in Canada, dove è stato co-fondatore e direttore responsabile del settimanale Sud Italia News. /// Journalist from Conversano (Bari). He loves Puglia and its local food and wine products. He worked in Toronto, Canada, where he was the co-founder and the editor in chief of the Italian language weekly 'Sud Italia News'.